Yiannis Charalambous


Hello, I am Yiannis Charalambous. Welcome to my domain.

Research Papers

My Tools

Made by me:
  • ESBMC-AI [ Website ] [ Download ] An automated program repair tool that uses ESBMC as the backend for verifiying the software, and an LLM of choice to conduct the repair.
  • ipykernel-ctl [ Website ] [ Download ] Easily deploy and manage IPyKernel for Python Environments.


A collection of software I use:
  • ESBMC - Multi-language support software verifier. Use it to find bugs.
  • Lapce - Still really early in development but is shaping up to be a powerful and extensible code editor.
  • Librewolf - Firefox with better defaults and additional privacy addons.
  • NeoVim - My code editor.
  • Thunderbird - Very customizable, recent updates were pretty nice as well.
  • VSCodium - My other code editor.
  • Zotero - Used to track all the research papers read. Can sync between devices and supports NextCloud syncing.


A collection of hardware I use: